Website Review: From Data to Viz

Website Review: From Data to Viz

Welcome to #FunDataFriday for Data to Viz

A 3 minute read about a cool data resource.

Today’s #FunDataFriday article is about the website “From data to Viz”.

What Is It?

From data to viz is an excellent data visualization tutorial website. It’s a great way to get familiar with the most popular graphing formats. It allow the user to navigate their different graphing technique options based on the data types they are working with. For every graph type it explains how to interpret and use the chart, similar styles, common mistakes and caveats as well as sample R code to get started.

Data to Viz

Why Is It Awesome?

It’s an amazing data visualization learning tool! It allows you to see the forest through the trees and then dig deep into understanding and building each graph type.

How To Get Started?

Visit the “From Data to Viz" website today. Navigate through the tree structure on the main page to understand the use cases for each graph type. Explore new graphs, copy the code and make them for yourselves!

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Website Review: Data.Gov

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