Little Miss Data

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Happy International Women's Day!

As a tribute to International Women's Day, I am doing a little analysis on some gender equality among EU countries.   The analysis will all be hinging on the values of the EU gender equality index.  As per wikipedia, the gender equality index is a tool that measures:

I think it's pretty great that they are keeping such an active eye on gender equality within the EU!  I found the data set with high level index values and a breakdown of more granular ranking categories through the European institute for gender equality. 

To get started, I wanted to use trusty R to plot a choropleth map of the most recent (2015) gender equality index values.   Note that I am just getting started with mapping in R and so I found a great tutorial that did choropleth plotting from shape files very efficiently.  I just modified to make it my own. 


Use R to plot EU Gender Equality Index on a Map

Code available from GH

# Base code from -


#Download the shape files from:
#Replace the path with the path to your shape file
eurGeoMap <- read_shape("/iwd2018/NUTS_2013_01M_SH/Data/NUTS_RG_01M_2013.shp", as.sf = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#Download the equality data directly from GH.
#Equality data sourced from:
eurEquality= fread('')
eurGeoMap$country <-substr(eurGeoMap$NUTS_ID, 1, 2)
eurEqualityMap <- append_data(eurGeoMap, eurEquality, key.shp = "country", = "Country")

tm_shape(eurEqualityMap) + tm_polygons("Index", id = "country")

Voila!  We have a great map below plotting out the gender equality index by EU country.  As can be seen below, Sweden (SE)  has the highest index value.

Explore Equality Index with Circle Packing

Next, I wanted to look at the same values with a circle packing chart.  A very simple and easy way to do this is through  It's a tool that can be used to create data science like graphs but without the code.  If you would like a more in depth overview, please see my previous tutorial.

For a quick getting started:


Explore Equality Index Over Time with bump chart

Finally, I wanted to look at the progress of countries over time.  Again we are going to use  If you would like a more in depth overview, please see my previous tutorial.

For a quick getting started:

Thank You

Thank you for exploring the EU gender equality index values with me on International Women's Day 2018! 

Please comment below if you enjoyed this blog, have questions, or would like to see something different in the future.  Note that data sets are available for download from my github repo.  If you have trouble downloading the file from github, go to the main page of the repo and select "Clone or Download" and then "Download Zip".